Thursday, June 16, 2011

Chad Nelson

I have this neighbor named Chad Nelson and he is probably one of the most amusing people I've ever met. He let me have these two poems that he wrote/illustrated. This guy is so clever, I think he did these both in less than ten minutes.
This is a photo-booth photo of the original
because you just can't get the same effect
without the picture of "Chester F. Nestor".

Chester Fiddle-Nestor
By: Chad Nelson

Chester Fiddle-Nestor
Twiddled his thumbs
While whistling a ditty
Regarding large bums.

Polite folk who dwelt
In the hamlet so fair,
Chimed in together
"Chester F. Nestor,
How could you dare?"

"I care and I dare"
Said Chester out loud.
"For simply I say
I'm fat and I'm proud."


  1. I think this is brilliant too. Like seriously. Art hanging up on the wall. I hope they are hanging up on your wall haha

  2. Yeah I envy his creativity. These are my favorite! That was the first thing I did with them, was hang them on the wall haha
